Certification Services


The Rainforest Alliance 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standard (SAS) as a standard and certification program for sustainable agriculture is the result of the merger of Rainforest Alliance and UTZ in 2018.

Rainforest Alliance is a certification program for the sustainable production and supply chain of a wide range of crops such as Cocoa, Coffee, Tea, Fruit, Nuts, Vegetables, Palm Oil, Flowers, and Bananas. Rainforest Alliance certification strengthens your position in the market, assuring your customers that your agricultural products are grown and harvested on farms that support the social, economic, and environmental standards for sustainable agriculture. Certification to these standards includes ecosystem conservation, wildlife protection, and fair treatment and good working conditions for workers.

The Rainforest Alliance 2020 Certification Program provides the foundation for a reimagined approach to certification. The new standard, assurance system, and associated data and technology are designed to deliver more value to the many people and businesses around the world who use Rainforest Alliance certification as an essential tool to support sustainable agricultural production and supply chains. The seal means certified products are produced using methods that support the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental. Traceability is a key component in the program where certificate holders must account for all sales of certified products. Certificate holders must register each certified product transaction in the Rainforest Alliance system to enable the issuance of transaction certificates.

For more information and vericitaion document, please check the link below…